Out on the Field
It was the 2nd day of classes for the week, I got my new phone that I wanted to hide/show to everyone.
My first class is 1:30 in the afternoon. My dad picks me up at around 12:30. It's only 7km from home to school, going through EDSA(Epipanio delos Santos Avenue). I got to school at around 1pm, I was pretty early for my 1st class. I decided to play around with my new toy... And what do you know, I got spectacular shots outside the window of my classroom (rm605 of Asia Pacific College).
This tree was a reminder of devastation that Typhoon Milenio brought to the Philippines. No, it wasn't cut in half by lightning, the wind just destroyed the base of the center branch, that's why it look like it was split. And the structure behind it wasn't devastated as well. It was demolished because they'll probably put up a new house there.
This was unintentional. I've always wanted to picture cloudscapes but this was better than what I intended to see. For me it's really spectacular. I even used this as my wallpaper(the full resolution one).
This is the city at early afternoon. You can actually see NAIA(Ninoy Aquino International Airport) terminal 3 at the horizon.
My teachers and my classmates came in afterwards.
And we had our first class... boring class.. BUSINLA(Business Law) with a boring but fun teacher... ironic. He's fun in giving out examples but he's boring in teaching.. hehe' The class ended at 3:15pm and I stayed in the room because I still have class there afterwards..
Boring myself to death, I took this panoramic picture of the classroom:
Just wanted to try the panorama feature and here it is.
It wasn't that good, heh`. I need some practice.
My classmates came in afterwards so I didn't have anymore chance to take anymore pictures.
At 3:30pm Professor Argio Barrios, our Philisophy of Man instructor came in and started teaching and all. He's good. So talkative and informative at the same time. He's a little sucker in authority, but he doesn't mean it.
I remember my first day with him. He entered the classroom, chin up, and walking like an emperor. His first words were: "I am the King and you are my subordinates, you are expected to follow by my rules. I am the authority!" Or something like that.. He continued with his introductory lesson and so on. At the end of the class (4:45pm) he asked us: "Class, anymore questions?" and I answer quickly: "Bakit?!" a common word in the Philipines asking "WHY?!" but I used it not to ask why but just to ask a question. Everyone in the room laughed and looked at me, I was seating at the back. Even the prof smiled. And there, everyone left with a smile in their faces and me defying the authority once again!
I stayed in the classroom and once again took pictures of things. I turned of the lights and lowered the blinds. The room was dark now. Here's what I got:     
The Xenon flash did its work in illuminating the room. It wasn't really intended to capture distant objects, though.
It was a habit for mine to look at the sunset and relaxing myself. I rolled up the blinds once again and here's what I saw.   
Breath taking. And if you'll look closely at the 1st image, you'll notice that there is a heart shape image formed from the glare of the sun. Lovely. It was unintentional of my to do that, I didn't notice it in the phone until I uploaded it in my PC.
I still have class following that, 5pm class, up to 7:15pm. Funny, our last class professor always dismiss us early, he's lazy too.
My dad picked me up at 7:30 and at home, I ate dinner and went to my room at once to test my phone again.
Got the funny pix:
My electric fan is very dirty.. ew... lolxz
I also tried the macro mode.
Well, that's my day. Hope you enjoyed my pix...
Some not featured can be found here
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