Tuesday, November 21, 2006

On the Court

The first day of the week.

     This day was the openning of the intramurals of the school and there's no better way to begin it than with a cheer dance competition!

cheer dance

     Before the competition began, me and my friends placed ourselves on the corner of the court, knowing that it won't be filled anyway. We were wrong, the court was jam packed. Too bad the stage was far away that I can't take a snapshot of it.

*from the left: BJ, Migz, JP, Gracie, me.

     The competition was fun, there were boring competitors as well, unique, and funny, even daring ones.

   1st runner up -- ABMA, because of their creativity and props
   2nd runner up -- EM, yata coz of their funky moves
   3rd runner up -- CNE, because others are not good. :(

     I was part of the cheer dance, I am the sound editor...

     Funny, though, we were cheering for SSE, and SSE's cheering for us. Walang iwanan, manalo, matalo...


     Don't have anything more to say... I'm smiling already, remembering it.

-want some box of chocolate from Malaysia?



Today's SET: 2006-nov21

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